Introducing our team – Jacob Styler

A grey, purple and black background with a man in a circle wearing a patterned shirt

Introducing our team – Jacob Styler Welcome to our first ever meet the team blog, where we will be exploring each member of our team, so you can get to know them better. First up is our Digital Marketing Director, Jacob Styler How did you get started in marketing? I started my marketing journey in […]

The sexy new image extensions from Google Ads

A picture of Google on a table on the left with a purple background with text to the right

The sexy new image extensions from Google Ads We’ve all seen it, right? The new image extensions for Search Google Ads Campaigns are the hottest new feature to pay per click campaigns. But the question is, what are they and do they have any impact? What are image extensions? Image extensions are a new feature […]

Email Tracking – Could This Be The End?

A purpose reading text on a website with a purple background and text to the right

Email Tracking – Could this be the end? Could this really be it? Tracking your open rates, clicks and location-based reporting from your very sexy email campaigns might be coming to an end… Well, when iOS15 is released that will definitely be the case for some users. Apple have released some new privacy changes that […]