Why you should be investing in influencer marketing in 2022

Blog graphic depicting cartoon model for influencer marketing post

Why you should be investing in influencer marketing in 2022 Influencer marketing is on the increase, and we think it’s an important of your social media strategy, and we’re going to uncover why you should be investing in it in 2022. What is influencer marketing? For those that don’t know what influencer marketing is, we […]

Why we hated our logo

A woman in a blue shirt with her hands up and text in front of her

Why we hated our logo Why we hate it so much Now you’re probably thinking, ‘why are they dissing their own logo?’ and we know it sounds a bit harsh of us to be so self-critical! Let us tell you why… We’ve been in business for almost 12 months (yay! 🥳) and as the year […]